Methane conversion strategies that protect methanol via in situ esterification achieve higher yields compared to direct methane conversion without product protection; however, most of these high-yield systems operate under unfavorable conditions. To date, there is very limited work in developing heterogeneous catalysts for methane-to-methyl-ester …
DOI: 10.22146/ajche.64285 A Kinetic Study of Manganese Leaching from Low-Grade Psilomelane Ore by Acetic-Tannic Acid Lixiviant Widya Aryani1 Astria Gesta Anggraini1 Fathan Bahfie1 Ulin Herlina1 Muhammad Al Muttaqii2 Erik Prasetyo1,3* 1Research Unit for Mineral Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency 2Research Center for Chemistry, …
A process for recovering manganese from low-grade manganese oxide ore through a reduction acidolysis-selective leaching method is investigated. Two types of biomass, sawdust and straw, were used as reductants. Reduction acidolysis, using concentrated sulfuric acid, was used to disrupt the structure of the biomass, allowing the biomass to be …
From an economic standpoint, a leaching time of 60 min is considered suitable for leaching manganese and lithium. ... and speed up the leaching process. Moreover, the capacity of the leaching agent increased for both metals. For manganese, the maximum concentration (4.2 g/L) occurred at a pulp density of 50 g/L and the further rise in pulp ...
Based on the data in Fig. 8b, the activation energy calculated for low-grade manganese leaching using tannic acid is 80.7 kJ/mol. Relatively high activation energy indicates the temperature influence was significant on the leaching process, which is supported by the modeling results in Table 3. Increasing temperature causes the process to shift ...
The results showed that high manganese recovery with low Fe and Al extraction yield could be obtained by analyzing the leaching efficiencies of Mn, Fe and Al during the leaching process. The optimal leaching condition was determined as 1.9 mol/L H 2 SO 4 and 60.0 g/L cane molasses for 120 min at 90 °C while using particles smaller than 0.147 mm.
The process is popularly known as the methanol-to-olefin (MTO) reaction, which converts C1 methanol into light olefins, particularly ethylene and propylene. The MTO reaction was accidently discovered in 1972 during the use of aluminosilicate zeolite (ZSM-5), with a Si/Al ratio of at least 12, during the initial optimization of the methanol-to ...
The process flow diagram for the electrolytic production of manganese includes seven process stages: Leaching Ore or Concentrate with Sulfuric Acid After crushing to a fraction of 0-20 mm and averaging carbonate manganese ore, a belt conveyor feeds it into an intermediate bin with a batch-weighing feeder for grinding in a ball mill.
Bhappu indicated that the heap-leach process is economically justified in the processing of lean ores averaging 0.04 ounce of recoverable gold per ton at gold prices of $80 per ounce for multimillion-ton ore bodies. ... A summary of the cost estimates, excluding mining costs, is shown in table 1. ... silver, zinc, cadmium, mercury, arsenic ...
In summary, the whole process of the vacuum carbothermal reduction method achieves efficient extraction of Li and Mn while avoiding the subsequent recovery of Ni, Co, and Mn. ... whereas the manganese leaching rate showed a significant rise from 5.18 % to 99.72 % and subsequently stabilized. Therefore, the optimum roasting temperature is 1623 K
On the assumption, that the rate of manganese extraction is directly proportional to the rate of methanol adsorption and replacing the amount of methanol adsorbed per unit mass with fraction of manganese extracted (X), a plot of log X vs. log C at different times within the initial 30 min of reaction gave straight lines with an average slope of ...
Abstract Microwave-assisted leaching of valuable metals of cobalt (Co), lithium (Li), and manganese (Mn) from cathode powder of spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) was investigated. Higher leaching efficiency of Co, Li, and Mn was found using ascorbic acid than hydrochloric acid (HCl). The leaching reaction was rapid (5 min) and effective () for Co, …
Some aspects of the kinetics of reductive leaching of manganese oxide ore in aqueous methanol–sulphuric acid medium have been investigated, looking at the effects of methanol and sulphuric acid concentrations, temperature and particle size on the rate of manganese extraction. Two distinct regions of rate control have been identified. The initial 30 …
Iron, manganese and chloride ions are the most important impurities that should be monitored and possibly removed from the solution because of their negative behaviour during the further stage of zinc electrowinning. A purification step of the leaching liquor from chlorides is not necessary when using hydrochloric acid as the leaching agent.
Therefore, in order to leach manganese from the ore as completely as possible and reduce cost, the optimal ammonia concentration should be 14 mol/L. Fig. 5. Effect of ammonia concentration on manganese recovery. ... The flow sheet of roasting-ammonia leaching process is schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. NH 3 ·H 2 O and (NH 4) ...
Analyzing the contamination of the isolated methanol with phosphorous and manganese confirmed a minor loss of 1.83% of the employed ligand over the 6 recycling runs, while manganese leaching in each run was below the detection limit (detailed leaching per run can be found in the ESI, Table S5 †). The ligand leaching is presumably attributed ...
determine the leaching recovery (R)basedonEq.(10). On the other hand, to evaluate the selectivity of the leaching process, a separation factor (SP) between Mn and Fe was evaluated according to Eq. (11). This equation compared the amount of manganese with that of iron in pregnant leach solution. RðÞ¼% Lf Lo ð10Þ SP ¼ CMn CFe ð11Þ Where
Traditional hydrometallurgical methods for recovering spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) involve acid leaching to simultaneously extract all valuable metals into the leachate. These methods usually are followed by a series of separation steps such as precipitation, extraction, and stripping to separate the individual valuable metals. In this study, we present a process for …
However, the following limitations appear: (1) the process cost is increased by expensive reducing agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, which are required to obtain high metal leaching efficiencies of Ni, Co, Mn and Li, and the large amount of gas generated makes the operation dangerous [19, 20] and (2) when valuable metals are extracted and ...