Pilot-Scale Demonstration of Ilmenite Processing Technology Duluth Laboratories & Administration 5013 Miller Trunk Highway Duluth, Minnesota 55811 ... Using the data obtained from the small pilot-scale testing program, a larger scale pilot plant was commissioned and operated to compile additional data on the performance of the larger scale
This material has been classified during many cycles in the pilot plant, so that the probability of agglomeration and blockages is low. Another advantage is that highly cycled ilmenite is known to be more reactive than fresh material (Abad et al., 2011). The average diameter of the particles is d p(av,ilmenite) = 154 μm. Furthermore, an iron ...
DOI: 10.1016/J.IJGGC.2017.08.013 Corpus ID: 102956877; Chemical looping combustion of hard coal and torrefied biomass in a 1 MW th pilot plant @article{Ohlemller2017ChemicalLC, title={Chemical looping combustion of hard coal and torrefied biomass in a 1 MW th pilot plant}, author={Peter Ohlem{"u}ller and Jochen Str{"o}hle and Bernd Epple}, journal={International …
The company started an ilmenite pilot plant in October 2019. Based on the promising results, the board approved construction of a full-scale plant. The advanced engineering and construction of the ilmenite concentration plant is expected to cost approximately $25.2 million with the majority of these costs being incurred in 2022.
About Ilmenite & Titanium. Ilmenite is a common accessory mineral in igneous rocks, sediments, and sedimentary rocks in many parts of the world. It is an oxide mineral of iron and titanium, also known as titanium magnetite, and its composition is FeTiO3. Ilmenite is a heavy (specific gravity 4.7), moderately hard (Mohs hardness 5.6 to 6), opaque black mineral with a submetallic luster.
ilmenite-smelting campaigns on the 3 MVA pilot furnace at Kumba Resources' Research and Development facilities. These campaigns varied in length from one week to six weeks, with the majority being of the order of two weeks. The objectives of these campaigns included the following: • Testing of different feedstocks for ilmenite smelting.
Methods and Costs of Exploration and Pilot Plant Testing of Ilmenite-bearing Sands, Lakehurst Mine, the Glidden Co., Ocean County, N. J. - Ebook written by Richard Quirk, N. A. Eilertsen. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Methods and Costs of …
The Barrytown ilmenite pilot plant was commissioned in two stages using Westport Titanium Project heavy mineral concentrate. The wet concentrator was commissioned on the 17th of December 1989 and produced magnetic concentrate from this date._x000D_ The Drymill was commissioned on the 27th of January 1990 and produced product grade ilmenite successfully …
The early tests shaped the larger pilot testing flowsheet, with the essential elements as follows: •Scalping by low-intensity drum magnet to remove ferromagnetic materials. This magnetic stream was combined with the primary ilmenite product Figure 3. Typical chromite flowsheet Figure 2b. Ilmenite flowsheet using dry magnetic separation (Elder ...
In pilot testing conducted to obtain data for a cost estimation, a synthesized product containing about 88 wt-pct TiO2 and less than 2 pct FeO was extracted from a rock-type ilmenite concentrate containing about 45 wt-pct TiO2. The estimated fixed capital cost (on a mid-1975 basis) of a plant producing 500 tpd of synthetic rutile is $28,290,100.
This review collects relevant information about the status of CLC technology. A table related to the operational experience with ilmenite in CLC (1524 h) including pilot plants locations and fuels may be found herein. Likewise, the experience of 12000 h of oxygen carrier aided combustion (OCAC) mode with ilmenite is described.
Electric arc furnace smelting is one of the main processing routes used to upgrade ilmenite into a suitable titanium feedstock for pigment and sponge producers. During the ilmenite smelting process the iron oxides present in the ilmenite concentrate matrix are reduced to metallic form by using carbon as the reductant. A slag rich in TiO2 and low in FeO content remains, together …
technology and has pilot plant facilities up to 5.6 MVA, as well as a strong base in process and arc modelling. Industrial processes have been developed for ferrochromium production, ilmenite smelting, and cobalt recovery from slag. Recent work has been done on such processes as the production of ferronickel from
The DC-arc ilmenite-smelting technology was developed and tested to pilot scale, in conjunction with Mintek, between 1992 and 1994. The first furnace, a ... and provides enough energy to pre-heat the ilmenite to 880°C. Both pre-heat plants were shut down in June 2003, due to the severe destabilising effects they had on the furnaces. The ...
Hence, a 1 MW th CLC pilot plant consisting of two inter-connected refractory-lined fluidized bed reactors and a carbon stripper was erected and operated at Technische Universität Darmstadt (Ströhle et al., 2014, 2015). ... the natural ores and waste materials include ilmenite, FeTiO 3 with 13%, iron ore/waste with 9% and manganese ore with 6 ...
The Barrytown ilmenite pilot plant was commissioned in two stages using Westport Titanium Project heavy mineral concentrate. The wet concentrator was commissioned on the 17 December 1989 and produced magnetic concentrate from this date._x000D_ The Drymill was commissioned on the 27 January 1990 and produced product grade ilmenite successfully from the …
The largest CLC pilot plant worldwide with a nominal power of 1 MW th has been erected at Technische Universität Darmstadt. This paper presents the layout of the 1 MW th pilot plant and first operational results using ilmenite and hard coal as fuel. The fuel reactor was fluidized with a mixture of air and steam, so that partial CLC operation ...
DOI: 10.1016/J.APENERGY.2015.06.035 Corpus ID: 97302378; Chemical looping combustion of hard coal in a 1MWth pilot plant using ilmenite as oxygen carrier @article{Strhle2015ChemicalLC, title={Chemical looping combustion of hard coal in a 1MWth pilot plant using ilmenite as oxygen carrier}, author={Jochen Str{"o}hle and Matthias Orth …