Copper–gold ore processing (higher copper values than gold values) generally involves flotation and smelting. In the latter case, gold credits are obtained from the smelting of the copper concentrate, and if gold reports to the flotation tailings, they may also require cyanidation. A notable and relevant exception to this generalization is ...
Gold processing - Refining, Smelting, Purifying: Gold extracted by amalgamation or cyanidation contains a variety of impurities, including zinc, copper, silver, and iron. Two methods are commonly employed for purification: the Miller process and the Wohlwill process. The Miller process is based on the fact that virtually all the impurities present in gold combine with …
The treatment of these products depends on the metallurgical extractive process of lead and copper. Gold Smelting Equipment. It has been shown that concentrates obtained by gravity devices and cathodes can be smelted directly most the time. Silver-gold concentrates can be smelted too. Under this consideration, a concentrate must contain at ...
During the pyrometallurgical process, the content of Cu strongly affects the composition of Au-Ag metal. Table II shows the copper content of silver/gold alloys after equilibration with pure oxygen.19 It is seen that at low gold content, the equilibrium copper content of Au-Cu alloys, independent of gold content, increased rapidly with a decreasing …
Gold processing - Mining, Concentrating, Refining: The nature of the ore deposit determines the mining and mineral processing techniques applied. Oxide ore deposits are frequently of such low grade (e.g., 3 to 10 parts per million) that extensive mineral processing cannot economically be justified. In this case they are merely shattered by explosives and then piled into heaps for …
Rock containing gold, copper and other valuable minerals is hauled away for processing and waste rock is taken to a separate area for storage. Areas of waste rock are later rehabilitated. As we dig farther down, it is necessary to dewater the mine to ensure that the water level remains below the pit floor.
One is a high gold grade with high copper content and the other is a low gold grade ore type. These two sample types were chosen because the high-copper high-gold grade ore type is anticipated to be the most difficult ore type to process and the low-gold grade ore type represents the largest portion of the refractory ore resource.
The second gave a concentrate containing $20.20 gold, 7.8% copper, and 27% insoluble, with an extraction of 64.5% of gold and 91.8% copper. The gold left in the tailing was probably in the gangue, as the extraction was poorer than usual. As a rule, the longer agitation and separation are continued, the more silicious the concentrate is.
The flowsheet in this study was designed to treat 500 tons per day of a complex base metal ore containing gold and silver values. ... A complex sulphide ore of this type requires a high degree of selectivity in the flotation process. The lead and copper must be removed in bulk as a mixed concentrate and then the zinc floated as a separate ...
The processing characteristics of copper–gold ores vary from ore to ore and are closely related to the mineralogical composition of the ore. Based on composition, the ores can be classified into porphyry copper–gold ores containing pyrite, porphyry copper–gold ores with negligible pyrite content, and altered supergene copper–gold ores. ...
In addition to extraction, the application of these reagents in the gold processing, pre-treatment and gold purification stages is explored. The main objective here is to discuss how the gold extraction process can be more sustainable, with a view to developing more greener leaching reagents. ... copper–gold ores: