where q c = the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of the intact rock material in MPa. J P = the jointing parameter composed of mainly four jointing characteristics, namely, block volume or density of joints, joint roughness, joint alteration, and joint size. It is a reduction coefficient representing the effect of the joints in a rock mass. The value of J P varies from almost 0 for …
Estimating compressive strength. General rock failure criterion can be reduced to a few parameters dependent on lithology (m) and the uniaxial compressive strength (C 0).Lithology is commonly derived during log analysis, so m may be estimated (Table 1).What is needed still is an initial measure of rock strength provided by C 0. C 0 can be estimated from …
i is the parameter for intact rock in the Hoek -Brown failure criterion for rock masses by Hoek et a l. (1998). Values in parenthesis have been estimated by Hoek et al (1992); values with question mark have been assumed 2) For clays the values of the uniaxial compressive strength is based on ISRM (1978), refer to Table 2.7.
Tension strength / MPa: ... Table 2 provides the numbers of basic elements N B and contacts N C within the top, bottom, ... Effect of heat treatment and layer orientation on the tensile strength of a crystalline rock under brazilian test condition. Rock Mech. Rock Eng., 49 (5) (2016), pp. 1663-1677. Google Scholar
In the same way, Tsikrikis et al. 50 performed a set of triaxial compressive tests on low-porosity carbonated rocks and observed that the σ TR decreases logarithmically with decreasing m i, increasing the average rock grain size and decreasing the ratio of the σ TR to the unconfined compressive strength σ tr σ c, but the stress ratio (σ 1 ...
According to Ostermayer H. and Barley T. [6], the following values of the ultimate bond strength are proposed for rock type materials depending on their weathering, mineral bonding and spacing of rock joints. Table 6: Estimated ultimate bond strength, q u (kPa), for rockmass (Ostermayer and Barley) Conclusions-Recommendations
NOTE Further information on rock identification is given in BS EN ISO 14689-1. 36.2 Description of rock materials 36.2.1 Strength of rock material. Strength should be described as follows (see Table 25), in terms related to the rock material's unconfined compressive strength, as recommended in BS EN ISO 14689-1.
Strength range (MPa) Typical rock types. Very weak. 10-20. weathered and weakly-compacted sedimentary rocks. Weak. 20-40. weakly-cemented sedimentary rocks, schists ... The range of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength for a large amount of typical rock types is presented in Table 2. Typical Rock Types. Uniaxial Compressive Strength (MPa) Granite ...
The peak shear strength of a rock joint is an important indicator in rock engineering, such as mining and sloping. Therefore, direct shear tests were conducted using an RDS-200 rock direct shear apparatus, and the related data such as normal stress, roughness, size, normal loading rate, basic friction angle, and JCS were collected. A peak shear strength …
Table 1: RMR classification of rock masses (Bieniawski, 1989). A. CLASSIFICATION PARAMETERS AND THEIR RATINGS PARAMETER Range of values // ratings ... 4 - 10 MPa uniaxial compr. strength : 2 - 4 MPa . 1 - 2 MPa : For this low range is preferred Uniaxial com-pressive strength > 250 MPa . 100 - 250 MPa : 50 - 100 MPa . 25 - 50 MPa : 5 - 25 MPa 1 ...
Knowledge of the strength and elastic modulus of a reservoir rock is important for the optimisation of a particular geothermal resource. The reservoir rock for many geothermal projects in the Upper Rhine Graben, such as those at Soultz-sous-Forêts and Rittershoffen (both France), is porphyritic granite. High fracture densities (up to ~ 30 ;fractures/m) in this reservoir …
Currently, most research on the dynamic mechanical properties of jointed rock relies on the split Hopkinson pressure bar test system. Li et al. [4] investigated the effects of joint angle and impact pressure on the dynamic mechanical response and fracture behavior of granite samples. The results showed that the dynamic compressive strength and elastic modulus of …
The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and angle of internal friction (Φ) of sedimentary rocks are key parameters needed to address a range of geomechanical problems ranging from limiting wellbore instabilities during drilling (e.g. Moos et al., 2003), to assessing sanding potential (e.g. Santarelli et al., 1989) and quantitatively constraining stress …
The 'simple means' field tests to estimate intact rock strength following table 1 have been extensively used in the field and compared to UCS test values. At many exposures multiple estimates of the ... estimated intact rock strength (MPa) 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 Tertiary congl./sst. Jura limest. Tg23 Tg22 Tg21 Tg1 sst. p Tg1 congl. H ...
Rock strength can be measured in a number of ways. Generally, the UCS (Unconfined Compressive Strength) is the most common type of assessment. Direct measurement is undertaken in a similar way to concrete cylinders i.e. a core of rock must be taken of the rock mass you are assessing. This requires a medium to large sized drilling rig capable of ...
seven rock types and their measured laboratory values of Young's modulus, uniaxial compressive strength and density. The studied rocks include soft chalk, lime-stones, sandstone and sti• igneous rocks, covering a wide range of rock elasticity. These new correlations have already been used for a detailed field study of rock damage [7]. 2 ...
As reported in Table 8, the average value of compressive strength (Rc) for the Camelio samples is 25.04 MPa, while samples from Porcari and Leone quarries show lower values which are similar to each other (Fig. 13), respectively 15.03 Mpa and 12.09 MPa. The difference between directions A and C was not evident, thus indicating a low anisotropy.
The Geological Strength Index (GSI), introduced by Hoek (1994) and Hoek, Kaiser and Bawden (1995) provides a system for estimating the reduction in rock mass strength for different geological conditions. This system is presented in Table 1.3, for blocky rock masses, and Table 1.4 for schistose metamorphic rocks.
The Geological Strength Index (GSI), introduced by Hoek (1994) and Hoek, Kaiser and Bawden (1995) provides a system for estimating the reduction in rock mass strength for different geological conditions. This system is presented in Table 1.3, for blocky rock masses, and Table 1.4 for schistose metamorphic rocks.
Accurately predicting the compressive strength of rock (RCS) is crucial for the construction and maintenance of rock engineering. However, RCS prediction based on single machine learning (ML) algorithms often face issues such as parameter sensitivity and inadequate generalization. To address these challenges, a new (RCS) prediction model based on a …
The Strength Of Rock Determining the Strength of Rock: A Comprehensive Analysis of ... Rock Type | Average UCS (MPa) | Standard Deviation (MPa) | ... | Limestone | 70-180 | 25-50 | | Shale | 20-80 | 10-30 | (Table 1: Illustrative UCS values for common rock types. Note: These values are highly variable and dependent on factors like geological ...
This value gives an indication of the cohesiveness and density of a rock. As seen in Table 1 igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks can be classified from very weak to very strong with regards to their unconfined fracture strengths (Attewell & Farmer 1976). ... Typical Rock Types: Compressive Strength (MPa) Tensile Strength (MPa) Shear ...
constant at 3.45 MPa until failure occurred and peak stress was recorded. The confining pressure was then reduced to 0.69 MPa and staged testing continued, incrementally ascending to 27.6 MPa, and then descending back down to 0.69 MPa. The confinement stages for the ascending and descending traces in MPa were 0.69, 1.72, 3.45, 6.89,
This is expressed as: (1) P u = K σ c D b where K is the reaction force coefficient, K ≥ 1; σ c is the compressive strength of the host rock (MPa); D b is the diameter of the bolt (mm). An increase in the host rock strength, therefore, causes a greater reaction force of the bolt on the joint surface, and a greater peak shear strength.
Table of contents. Cited references. Content history. Table of contents. Header. About this publication. 1 Scope. 2 Referenced documents. ... Rock strength tests — Determination of uniaxial compressive strength — Rock strength greater than 50 MPa. AS 4133.1.1.1-2005 [Current] Methods of testing rocks for engineering purposes, Method 1.1.1 ...
Table 1: Field estimates of uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock.3 Grade* Term Uniaxial Comp. Strength (MPa) Point Load Index (MPa) Field estimate of strength Examples R6 Extremely Strong > 250 >10 Specimen can only be chipped with a geological hammer Fresh basalt, chert, diabase, gneiss, granite, quartzite R5 Very strong 100 - 250