– Harmony Gold, now one of South Africa's four largest gold-mining companies, is spending $300 million to purchase the low-cost Moab Khotsong mine from AngloGold, along with the neighbouring Great Noligwa mine and related infrastructure. Some 6 500 employees will be transferred from AngloGold to Harmony.
The Gold Fields/Wits School of Mining Engineering partnership was established to further the academic knowledge of mechanised mining and rock engineering in South Africa. The partnership aims to expand the scope of tertiary mining education as it relates to technical, operational, and organisational aspects of mechanised mining and rock ...
We have studied induced seismicity associated with five deep gold mines located in the Far West Rand district, Republic of South Africa, focusing on the digital data recorded from January 1994 until February 2000 by in-mine arrays of three-component geophones. The observed seismicity, which exceeds 1,000 events per day, can be divided into two kinds of …
Environmental impacts resulting from gold mining tailings storage facilities within the West Rand area in South Africa. ... Many pathological effects may result from gold mine TSFs dust exposures, depending on mineral content, shape, size, chemical composition, levels, and duration of exposure of the dust particle. ...
The Cost of Gold calls on South Africa to develop a coordinated and comprehensive program that deals with the range of problems associated with gold mining in the region. While industry and communities have a significant role to play, the report focuses on the responsibility of the government, which is legally obliged to promote human rights.
Draft Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Programme For The Amendment of the Existing EMP and Inclusion of Listed Activities Associated with Operations at Kloof Mining Right Area, Sibanye Gold Limited DMR Reference Number: GP 30/5/1/2/2 (66) MR ... GFI Mining South Africa (Pty) Limited, (Registration Number 2002/031431 ...
The mining industry can contribute to achieving all the SDGs (CCSI et al., 2016) at the global, national, regional and local scales.As mines generally operate for many decades, they can create long-term benefits for, or impacts on, local communities, environments and the wider economy (ICMM, 2018).Global demand for metals has been steadily growing in the past 20 …
Department of Health Environmental Health Impact Assessment Guidelines for Development Projects in South Africa, 2014. 3 Part 1 UNDERSTANDING THE ENVIRONMENAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) PROCESS IN SOUTH AFRICA 1. INTRODUCTION Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) in South Africa are conducted when a new
South Africa has failed to meet its human rights obligations to address the environmental and health effects of gold mining in and around Johannesburg, the Harvard Law School International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC) said in a new report released today (click to download it).. The 113-page report, The Cost of Gold, documents the threats posed by water, air, and soil pollution …
Environmental rights are associated with rights to food, water, health, land and dignity. ... health and human rights consequences of gold mining in South Africa's West and Central Rand [homepage on the Internet]. 2016 [cited 2020 Feb 3]. ... Liefferink M. Federation for a sustainable environment presentation on the efficacy of South Africa ...
This review critically examines the effects of AMD from the gold mines of South Africa and available options. We also critically analyse case studies, research gaps, and the challenges and opportunities presented by the AMD. Our assessment indicates the availability of potential technological advancements that might flip the paradigm in favour of less sludge …
Gold mining generates large quantities of tailings waste. These tailings can have a significant negative impact on the surrounding environment, with concomitant effects on local ecosystems, as well as on human health and quality of livelihoods. The latter is a concern in the Witwatersrand goldfields of South Africa, where communities are located in close proximity to gold mining …
The study area. The Sutherland goldfield is a 70-km-long north-easterly trending greenstone sequence found along the north-eastern corner of the Limpopo province of South Africa (Steenkamp & Clark-Mostert 2012).The abandoned mine sites studied in this work include the New Union Mine (found at Ka-Madonsi village), Louis Moore Mine (in the vicinity of …
The main environmental impacts of platinum mining Solid waste – tailings dams and waste rock dumps 580 000 tons ore/ton Pt produced; Plus waste rock: 20% – 90% of ore (UGM) Water consumption: 273 to 544 m3/kg PGM (average about 400 m3/kg) Energy consumption (mine, concentrator and smelter): 168 to 256 GJ/ kg PGM CO 2e emissions: 40 to 50 t/kg PGM
1 Advocate of the High Court, South Africa, LLB University of Venda, Msc in Mining and Environmental Geology, University of Venda, PhD in Environmental Sciences (Geology), University of Venda; 2 Ismael Mahamed Centre for Human and People' Rights, University of Venda; 3 LLM Howard University, LLM Georgetown University, Washington DC …
Impact Report South Africa 2021 CONTENTS ABOUT THIS ... 17 South Africa gold operations 24 Kloof 27 Driefontein 30 Beatrix 33 South Africa PGM operations 40 Kroondal 43 Rustenburg ... The focus of this report is the impacts of our mining operations in South Africa. Exploration activities and projects, such as those in ...