Licensing progress: Mantashe said to ensure regulatory certainty in the South African mining industry, the DMRE has procured a service provider for the design, implementation, and maintenance of a mining licensing system to enhance efficiency and transparency in the application, granting, and management of prospecting and mining rights …
mining purposes; industrial use; feedlots; in terms of a General Authorisation. In future, when water users are required to apply for licences, those who did not register will lower their chances of getting a licence to use water. All persons or bodies required to register for water use can contact any regional office of the Department of Water ...
Prospecting rights in South Africa play a crucial role in the mining industry, granting exclusive rights to explore and prospect for mineral resources. Understanding the legal framework, requirements, and key considerations for prospecting rights is essential for businesses and individuals involved in the mining sector.
In the South African context for example, the mining industry contributed 8.3% (2019) and 8.1% (2018) of the GDP and employed 460 015 employees (MCSA, 2019). The contribution to the GDP was 6.8% in 2017 for a direct employment of 464 667 employees including approximately 4.5 million dependants (Statistics South Africa, 2018).
This briefing has been published by Lucas Moalusi and Godfrey Malesa of Fasken Martineau, South Africa, who have agreed to Simmons & Simmons making it available to elexica subscribers.There's never been a more pertinent time to reflect on the current landscape of the mining industry in South Africa than now.. The year 2018 was an eventful year for the …
The company has one gold mine in South Africa, two in Ghana, four in Australia, and one in Peru. Gold Fields employed 17,611 people in 2018. 16. Zambezi Platinum (Johannesburg) Mining companies produce minerals used in catalysts, luxury jewellery, and dense, malleable and ductile chemical elements. Photo: pexels, @RHJ
More recently, Mining Charter III sought to increase this to 30% for existing rights holders, however, in the case of Minerals Council of South Africa v Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy and Others ZAGPPHC 623 (21 September 2021) ("Minerals Council case"), the court recognised the 'flow-through' principle as well as the 'once empowered ...
License: cc-by . DOI reference: 10.1080/13673882.2023.00001017. ... The South African mining industry faced significant challenges after the Marikana massacre and the "Dieselgate" scandal, which led to a shift away from diesel and increased research into electric cars. This shift impacted the platinum industry, as Platinum Group Metals ...
Browse Mines, Claims, and Mineral Properties For Sale in South Africa at DealStream. Discover properties with Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, Coal, Silica, Gemstones, and other reserves. ... The mining license and mineral rights are taken care of, the mine only recently stopped running as the owners decided to sell. We have sole mandate for the ...
In South Africa, Zama Zama mining is a colloquial term referring to artisanal mining. This type of mining is illegal, seeing that these mining activities are conducted without a mining license. Zama Zama mining is often associated with several social ills, for example, issues related to the miners' health and safety, environmental deprivation ...
Illegal mining in South Africa is a massive industry, mostly small-scale and artisanal in nature, it employs as many as 30,000 men, women and children. ... The cost of the licence application is the main barrier faced by ASM. To gain a licence through the DMR they must provide environmental assessments and feasibility studies, both of which ...
Economic activity in modern-day South Africa has been centred on mining activities, their ancillary services and supplies. The country's stock exchange in Johannesburg was established in 1887, a decade after the first diamonds were discovered on the banks of the Orange River, and almost simultaneously with the gold rush on the world-famous Witwatersrand.
Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. The mining industry has both positive and negative impacts on their host communities. Therefore, it is not enough for mines to only rely on the legal licence, but instead, they need to nurture a trust-based relationship with the community called 'Social License to Operate' (SLO).
Discover insights into South Africa's mining industry and its role in inclusive growth. At the Joburg Indaba 2024, Dr Nombasa Tsengwa emphasised that safety remains a top priority, while Minerals Council CEO Mzila Mthenjane discussed driving growth within the sector. The industry's commitment to both safety and progress continues to shape a ...