Worldwide, artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) includes an estimated forty million participants, and ASM activities indirectly support more than 150 million people across eighty countries in the global South (Intergovernmental Forum, 2017: 2).In the South African context, the number of people employed in the sector is estimated to be between 10,000 and …
Consequently, less raw material input contributes in reducing the environmental negative impacts of mining. There is also an aspect of material efficiency which basically refers to the manufacturing of products with fewer materials thus leading to less consumption of raw materials. ... Illegal gold fuelling gang battles in South Africa, by ...
West Africa was one of the world's greatest producers of gold in the Middle Ages. Trade in the metal went back to antiquity but when the camel caravans of the Sahara linked North Africa to the savannah interior, the trade really took off. A succession of great African empires rose off the back of the gold trade as salt, ivory, and slaves were just some of the …
Introduction. Africa is on the verge of an unprecedented mining boom. This boom is attracting tens of billions of dollars in foreign investment (Janneh & Ping 2011; Zhang 2011) and will result in substantial economic growth and development, but it also carries big risks for African societies and the environment.Here we highlight potential environmental threats posed by the …
The main environmental impacts of platinum mining Solid waste – tailings dams and waste rock dumps 580 000 tons ore/ton Pt produced; Plus waste rock: 20% – 90% of ore (UGM) Water consumption: 273 to 544 m3/kg PGM (average about 400 m3/kg) Energy consumption (mine, concentrator and smelter): 168 to 256 GJ/ kg PGM CO 2e emissions: 40 to 50 t/kg PGM
Mining activities, including prospecting, exploration, construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing of a mine can impact social and environmental systems in a range of positive and negative, and direct and indirect ways. Mining can yield a range of benefits to societies, but it may also cause conflict, not least …
Uranium accumulates in the river sediment and soil in this region, with a serious negative impact on the vegetation surrounding the water bodies, and poses serious threats to the farming industry adjacent to mining areas (De Wet, ... a case study from a gold mining site in South Africa. J. Hydrol., 297 (2004), pp. 178-196.
Gold mining in South Africa is a wellestablished industry with technical skills; South Africa has large gold reserves and resources but accessing these will involve going even deeper underground. Mining companies invest heavily in innovation and skills training to build an even greater understanding of the resource base and how to mine it;
As gold prices soar in the post-pandemic world economy, there are concerns that illegal mining activity in South Africa may be rising sharply. Tackling such a surge may prove difficult, given the history of illegal mining in the country. Sources in the industry have described how they face a number of challenges, including deteriorating law-enforcement capacity, endemic corruption …
The study quoted multiple negative environmental impacts of resource exploitation and the recurrence of resource curse conflicts that manifested in Niger Delta oil sites of Nigeria, gold mine areas in Ghana and South Africa as well as the copper sites in Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia as the manifestation of the people's resistance ...
Overall, perceived negative impacts prevailed, mainly related to environmental pollution, change in livelihoods or social disruption. Perceived positive impacts on health and well-being were related to interventions implemented by the mines such as new or improved water sources, health care facilities, roads and schools.
But South Africa's share of the global mining exploration expenditure dropped a staggering 20.5 per cent in 2020 to rank only sixth in Africa and represent less than one per cent of the global exploration spend – its lowest place in decades and a devastating position for a country whose geological attractiveness should protect its status as ...
South Africa: Gold, coal: National: 43: Corno and de Walque (2012) O: ORI: Statistical analysis: ... Concerning negative impacts on mining community health and safety, the indicators "risk of mortality for communicable and non-communicable diseases" and "risk of death due to air and water pollution" are in SHDB, but are not sector ...
Gold mining in South Africa typically involves methods such as panning, sluicing, dredging, hard rock mining, and by-product mining. ... Impact of Mining on Women and Families. Miners were usually recruited from all over the country, thus provisions needed to be made with regards to their living conditions. They were instructed to live in ...
Writing in A History of South Africa: Social and Economic in 1941, CW de Kiewiet pointed out that gold mining in South Africa was very expensive because of the small amount of gold in vast tonnages of rock: "The concept of an industry that was colossally wealthy only on condition that it jealously watched each penny of its expenditure is ...
Moreover, the negative impact of coal mining is undermining South Africa's efforts to strengthen food security and accomplish SDG objective 2 of eradicating hunger. Bench Marks Foundation ( 2014 ) reported that the availability of land and access to clean water for agriculture and livestock cultivation in South Africa has been severely ...
South Africa Department of Minerals and Energy (2007). South Africa is estimated, by the US Geological Survey, to have 6000 metric tons of gold reserves. A full 95% of South Africa's gold mines are underground operations, reaching depths of over 2.5 miles. Coupled with declining grades, increased depth of mining, and a slide in the
This report aims to provide detailed insights into the South African Mining sector, covering companies from sub-industries such as coal, general mining, gold mining, platinum, and precious metals. The JSE lists thirty-nine companies in the ... The deterioration of Transnet Freight Rail has had a particularly negative impact on the mining sector ...
Mining has had a larger impact on shaping the South African economy than any other sector. It transformed a predominantly rural economy into an industrial one. ... Moreover, it is worth noting that the gold mining industry is quite beneficial for the country's economy. According to 2018 data, South Africa exported gold, which was estimated at ...
of such impacts. A recent literature on the local and subnational effects of natural resources ... Ghana is the second-largest gold producer in Africa after South Africa, with gold production averaging 77 tons per year (Gajigo, Mutambatsere, and Mdiaya 2012). In 2011, Ghana's ... Similar to gold mining in other African countries (see Gajigo ...