Step 2: Navigate to the option that leads to the Fixed Deposit Calculator page. Step 3: Enter the amount of deposit and select the type of customer, the type of FD, and the period. When you provide all of these details, you will be shown the interest amount and how much potential you stand to receive in the form of an aggregate interest amount.

With interest rates on deposits rising on the back of the repo rate hikes by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the share of term deposits with original maturity period of 'one year to less than three years' soared to 64.2 per cent as at end-March 2023 from 50.4 per cent a year ago. ... sector had 61.9 per cent share in aggregate ...

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) categorizes money into four broad categories (also known as the monetary aggregates) through which it computes and measures the total supply of money in the market. They are M0, M1, M2, and M4. ... M2 = M1 + Savings Deposits of Post Office Savings account. Broad Money (M3): ...

2.1 The Indian banking sector recorded sustained improvement in capital positions, asset quality and profitability amidst strong business expansion. Credit growth remains robust, mainly driven by personal loans and lending to the services sector. Accruals in term deposits rose with increased transmission of monetary policy.

Deposit can be either Demand Deposit or Time Deposit. More information about types of deposits is here. Concepts of Money Supply (Monetary Aggregates) The Reserve bank of India calculates the four concepts of Money supply in India. They are called Monetary Aggregates or Money Stock Measures. They are as follows: Narrow Money (M1)

This section has covered the statistical information about Aggregate Deposits and Gross Bank Credit of SCBs, Banking Grievance Redressal, Business of SCBs, Commercial Bank Survey, Digital Banking, Earnings and Expenses of SCBs, Financial Ratios, Investment by SCBs, Key Banking Indicators, Lending/Interest Rates, Liabilities and Assets of SCBs, Non-Performing …

Aggregate bank deposits with scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) in India steadily rose and touched ₹142.6 lakh crore at end-September 2020 - an increase of ₹4.0 lakh crore since end-June 2020. In contrast, bank advances at ₹102.7 lakh crore at end-September displayed a pick up by 0.2 per cent on a q-o-q basis as against a contraction of 1. ...

What is meant by Monetary Aggregate? What is M1, M2, M3, and M4? ... In India, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), measures the money supply and publishes it on a weekly or fortnight basis. Table of Contents ... M2 and M4 that included post office savings banks deposits. However, these are not very widely used now. ...

India joined the global economy in an unprecedented contraction in 2020-21, dragged down by the COVID-19 pandemic. ... M3 - comprising currency with the public (CwP), aggregate deposits (AD) and other deposits with the Reserve Bank - recorded a growth of 11.8 per cent during the year (8.7 per cent a year ago) driven by AD, especially time ...

1 Aggregate data based on fortnightly Form-A Return (collected under Section 42(2) of the RBI Act, 1934) for the last reporting Friday of March 2021 have been published earlier at our website (Home>Statistics>Data Release>Fortnightly>Scheduled Bank's Statement of Position in India) and disaggregated data based on Quarterly Statistics on Deposits and …

If you have assets outside India; It is mandatory for an individual to furnish a return of income if he: 1. holds any asset (including any financial interest in any entity) located outside India (as a beneficiary or otherwise); ... An individual shall file his return if the aggregate deposit in one or more savings bank accounts is Rs 50 lakh or ...

(49.5%); institutions include domestic and foreign institutions and banks; 2. Aggregate deposits & credit latest available for Aug'23 3.Non-Life Insurance includes Fire, Marine, Motor, Engineering, Health, Cop Insurance, Credit Guarantee, Aviation, Personnel accident and Miscellaneous ... India is performing well on multiple economic and policy ...

As per the latest data, aggregate bank deposits in India have touched nearly ₹ 138.7 lakh crore in June 2020, an increase of ₹ 3.0 lakh crore since end-March 2020, while advances are subdued at just over ₹ 102.5 lakh crore, down by ₹ 1.2 lakh crore from end-March 2020. This has widened the gap between credit extended and deposits ...

Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India. Monetary Statistics. Current Status. 10.2.2 Following the recommendations of the Second Working Group on Money Supply (SWG) in 1977, RBI has been publishing four monetary aggregates – M1, M2, M3 and M4 - besides the reserve money. From among the aggregates, …

Aggregate deposits growth (y-o-y) moderated marginally to 10.1 per cent in September 2021 from 11.0 per cent a year ago; bank branches in metropolitan centres, which account for over half of the total deposits led deposit mobilisation by banks. ... As deposit mobilisation outpaced lending growth, all-India credit-deposit (C-D) ratio declined to ...

Aggregate deposits & credit (INR Tn) Aggregate deposits & credit grew at a consistent pace Insurance Premium (INR '000 Cr) Life insurance premium fell sharply vs. Mar'22 1.Mutual funds Assets Under Management (AUM) represented as recorded at end of every month shown. Mutual Funds AUM include investments from individuals (50.5%) & institutions ...

Aggregate deposits with banks increased 12% year-over-year as of Jan. 26 and credit growth stood at 16.1%, RBI data showed. ... Deposits lose favor. Indian investors have been attracted to equities as benchmark stock indexes are trading at an all-time high. India's mutual fund assets doubled to 50 trillion rupees in the December 2023 quarter.

State-wise Gross Bank Credit, Aggregate Deposits and Credit Deposit Ratio of Public Sector Banks in India (2011 to 2013 -upto December, 2013) Centre/Population Group-wise Quarterly Number of Reporting Offices, Aggregate Deposit and Bank Credit of All Scheduled Commercial Banks in Jammu and Kashmir (2011-2012)

Aggregate Deposits Aggregate Credit UPI UPI value & volume rose by 47% & 65%, respectively YoY in Mar'23 Mutual funds AUM (INR Tn) Mutual funds AUM increased by 5% YoY in Mar'23 Aggregate deposits & credit (INR Tn) Deposits and credit grew by 10% and 15% YoY, resp., in Mar'23 Insurance premium (INR '000 Cr.) Insurance premium de-grew by 6% YoY ...

These entities protects these deposits from a banking institution failure. The FDIC and NCUA places an upper limits of protection for banking deposits as of 2011 at $250,000 for solely owned accounts and an additional $250,000 per co-owner. The banking aggregate from all deposit accounts at one institution counts against that number.

On the other hand, aggregate deposits have risen by 6.9% in the same period, outpacing the usual growth rate of 5.4%. This creates a distinct divergence between the trends for credit and deposits, with a credit gap of -2.5 percentage points (FY25 growth minus the normal run rate) and a deposit gap of 1.5 percentage points.