Effect of over-consolidation and shear rate on the residual strength of soils of silty sand in the Three Gorges Reservoir. Thomas Glade. ... If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission ...
Material jetting: M-Jet: M-Jet is a 3D process where layers of photosensitive resin are selectively deposited onto a build platform and cured UV light. After each layer is deposited and cured, the build platform is lowered by one layer thickness, repeating the process to construct a 3D object. Sand, ceramics, and metals in powder form.
A straight-crested concrete gravity structure, the Three Gorges Dam is 2,335 metres (7,660 feet) long with a maximum height of 185 metres (607 feet).It incorporates 28 million cubic metres (37 million cubic yards) of concrete and 463,000 metric tons of steel into its design. Submerging large areas of the Qutang, Wu, and Xiling gorges for some 600 km (375 miles) …
Taking one of China's largest scale ecosystem restorations, the Grain for Green Program (GGP), as an example, this study used the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) region as the case study area and combined the crop environment resource synthesis (CERES)-Crop model, future land-use simulation (FLUS), and the revised universal soil loss equation ...
The tender documents for the second phase of the Three Gorges Project put forward strict requirements for the temperature control of the Three Gorges Project. It is required that the exit temperature of the concrete should not exceed 7°C (7°C concrete) during the summer construction period, and that the temperature required for pouring ...
In this paper, model tests on the slope stability of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) area were conducted with S1 sand under three different rainfall and FRWL combinations. Additionally, numerical simulations on the model tests, in which an unsaturated soil constitutive model was selected to describe the mechanical–hydraulic behaviour of ...
3.2. The Yangtze Gravel. Downstream of the Three Gorges, typical sections of the Yangtze Gravel are exposed along the trunk Yangtze River at Wuhan, Jiujiang, Anqing, Tongling and Nanjing (Yang et al., 1995; Fig. 1 B).The Yangtze Gravel consists predominantly of medium to coarse sand and rounded to sub-rounded, well-sorted, pebbles and imbricated cobbles …
Three Gorges Dam has impacted the pattern of grain-size in the Yangtze significantly. There exists an abrupt sand–mud transition in the channel of the Yangtze Estuary. The Yangtze mud shows an exponential fining along the sediment dispersal in the sea. The mud margin off the Yangtze mouth has retreated due to erosion in recent years.
The Three Gorges Dam (TGD; Table 1), the world's largest hydraulic engineering dam, gained global attention upon its establishment. Located in the upper Changjiang River ( Fig. 1 A), the TGD has significanty reduced downstream sediment flux by approximately 70 % and led to dramatic riverbed downcutting ( Dai et al., 2018 ).
The Three Gorges Reservoir Region contains 26 counties adjacent to the reservoir and the intensity of human activity ... (clay: <4 μm, silt: 4–63 μm and sand: >63 μm) were measured by a Mastersizer-2000 Laser ... sediments of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) with other materials. Note: FL (Fuling), ZX (Zhongxian), WZ (Wanzhou), FJ (Fengjie
Investigation of the influence of over-consolidation ratio (OCR) and shear rate on the residual strength of SM-type (silty sand) landslide soils in the Three Gorge Reservoir using ring shear tests under drained conditions showed that residual strengths ofSM-type landslide soils were not affected significantly by the over- Consolidation process. Estimation of the residual …
The sampled soil was transported to the Key Laboratory of Geological Hazards in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Ministry of Education at China Three Gorges University, Yichang city, Hubei Province, China, and naturally dried. Subsequently, the stone and leaf were removed, followed by passing through a 5 mm sieve for root and weed removal.
Upstream damming greatly altered the flow and sediment regime entering downstream reaches in the Middle Yangtze River, and the bed material in a sand–gravel bed reach coarsened continuously, which had a significant influence on the sediment transport and bed evolution. In order to study the riverbed armoring, the sediment exchange process (SEP) …
The Three Gorges region of China, located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River along its course from Yichang to Chongqing, encompasses three successive gorges: Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge, and Xiling Gorge (Fig. 1).As a result of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam at Yichang, a reservoir has been created with a total length of 5425.93 km, …
Three Gorges came into being because of the terrain rising and the strong downward water erosion of this area. Along the banks, fantastic steep peaks and cliffs face each other, generally standing 700 - 800 meters (2,300 – 2,600 feet) high above the water. The narrowest part is less than 100 meters (330 ft).
Most landslides induced by reservoir impoundment and rainfall in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China are usually characterized by bedding-plane shear zones. This paper presents an experimental study of the interaction between water and shear-zone materials. A series of tests, including wetting-drying cycles and soaking tests, were carried out. The …
The Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) ... Details of each site are shown in supplementary materials Table S1. 2.2. Sample collection. The sampling sites were located near the center of the main stream. Water and sediment samples were collected in August 2016. ... W1 was collected at a countryside site near a sand plant, ...
"One core" refers to the northeastern part of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, including portions of Wushan County, Wuxi County, and Badong County. In this area, there is a dense distribution of ecological source areas, which serve as important nodes where material, energy, information, and other ecological flows converge.