Copper bearing shale occurring as a Kupferschiefer Zechstein layer in South West Poland, called Lubin-Glogow Copper Basin, or LGOM, is mined and processed by KGHM Polska Miedź SA. The shale layer, together with a sand stone layer located below shale and a dolomite layer located above shale, forms copper ore which is an
sbm copper processing shale polandComparative Analysis of the Strength Distribution for Copper ores processed in Poland are the mixtures of three lithological types: calcium and In the Polkowice processing plant,in turn,carbonate is the predominant ore type,of copper ore (carbonate,sandstone,and shale ore) were manually divided within each particle size fraction …
The initial drilling plans related to the shale gas exploration and exploitation in Poland till 2021 assumed the generation of drilling wastes in the amount of 105,000 t/year (Macuda and Starzycka, 2013). Whereas Polish Geological Institute estimated that between 2013 and 2017 generation of drilling wastes reach 87,500 t.
For example, the radium content in mine water from the Upper Silesia coal mines in Poland vary from 0.18 to 21 Bq/L (Chałupnik et al., 2001), while in mine water from copper mines in the vicinity of town Lubin in SW Poland, the radium activity concentrations vary in a broad range from 30 mBq/L to about 100 Bq/L e the median is 1.1 Bq/L (Nguyen ...
Annually the Polish copper industry in the Lubin–Glogow Copper District mines about 30 Mt of copper ore and produces about 20–25 Mt of tailings. These tailings contain approximately 2–2.5 Mt of black shale (depending on the location, black shale represents 5–14% of the total ore volume) and are deposited in the tailing pond.
In the world, from the point of beneficiation process, the copper ore deposits can be divided into the following main types [3, 4]: ... Organic components appearing in the Polish copper ores, mainly in a shale layer, are the main cause of difficulties occurring in the flotation process. Their presence in ores essentially determine the
KGHM Cuprum. In thesestudies sandstone and shale, as well as so called "shale concentrate" (containing 39% of the shale) were used for experiments, and possibilities of their bioleaching were evaluated. 1 Possibilities of biohydrometallugical methods application for treatment of Polish copper ores. A state of the art
The upper Permian Kupferschiefer is a transgressive polymetallic deposit that contains considerable reserves of noble and valuable metals [1]. The organic carbon concentration in the black shale profile is about 2.4-16% [2, 3]. It occurs among other as long chain saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, acid esters, …
For these two reasons the highest Au and platinum-group-element-bearing contents (Au, up 3,000 ppm; Pt, 10-370 ppm; and Pd, 10-120 but sometimes up to 1,000 ppm) are present in a layer a few centimeters thick at the bottom of the black shale (platinum-group-element-bearing shale) when this shale is overlain by phosphates, borates, and ...
This study reveals the current problems and prospects of developing shale oil and gas industries in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Poland, Russia, China, India, and Australia. This approach allows a comprehensive and wide view on the industry and its geography. A brief review of the technologies implemented in the shale industry is provided. The key aim of the paper is …
The paper presents the yield of carbon-and-cooper-bearing shale from the Legnica and Glogow Copper Basin flotation also called Kupferschiefer in the presence of ethylene, diethylene and trithylene glycol butyl ethers (C4E1, C4E2, C4E3) frothers characterized by frother normalized concentration that is ratio of the frother concentration, and its critical coalescence …
Metalloporphyrins were isolated from copper-bearing black shale ores. The shale originates from the Lubin copper mine (Poland). The porphyrins have been extracted by way of a Soxhlet apparatus, and then purified using column chromatography.In order to identify the extracted porphyrins complexes UV–Vis, mass spectrometry and EPR analytical techniques …
Affiliations 1 Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Department of Process Engineering and Technology of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, Wroclaw 50-370, Poland. Electronic address: [email protected]. 2 NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, Andersens …
This study describes the yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa strain LM9 isolated from copper-bearing, organic-rich Kupferschiefer black shale and its role in copper biotransformation. Strain LM9 exhibited great ability to simultaneously mobilize and immobilize copper from this sedimentary rock. In additi …
The Kupferschiefer of northern central Europe is not only one of the largest sediment-hosted accumulations of copper ores worldwide (largest 1% of deposits with >60 Mt contained Cu) but has also one of the longest continuously documented mining histories, starting from at least 1,199 A.D. in the Mansfeld district of Germany.
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 40 (2006), 211-225 Fizykochemiczne Problemy Mineralurgii, 40 (2006), 211-225 Agnieszka SZUBERT, Michał ŁUPIŃSKI, Zygmunt SADOWSKI* APPLICATION OF SHRINKING CORE MODEL TO BIOLEACHING OF BLACK SHALE PARTICLES Received June 1, 2006; reviewed; accepted June 30, 2006 Four size …
In southwest Poland the horizons mined for copper extend laterally for ca. 600 km 2 and vary in thickness from 0.4 to several tens of metres. During the last 25 years, annual production of ore has amounted to about 30 Mt, from three principal mines: Rudna, Polkowice-Sieroszowice, and Lubin (USGS, 2015).Copper production has been steadily rising during this …
The Lubin–Sieroszowice copper mining district in the Fore-Sudetic area in Poland is situated close to the SW paleomargin of the Polish Rotliegend Basin (Karnkowski, 1999, Suchan, 2004) (Fig. 1), in the eastern extension of the Southern Permian Basin of Central Europe, which was developed on various crustal domains (van Wees et al., 2000).