The Wells-Barkerville area of the Cariboo has produced millions of dollars in gold from both placer and lode types of deposits. On Lightning Creek many millions in gold were produced from deep placer operations in the creek. ... Lode gold production started in 1933 from the Cariboo Gold Quartz Mine at Wells, B.C. During the period January 10 ...

Barkerville Gold mines Ltd. is focused on developing its extensive mineral rights package located in the historical Cariboo Mining District of central British Columbia. Barkerville's Cariboo Gold Project mineral tenures cover 1,950 square kilometres; along a strike length of 67 kilometres which includes several past producing placer and hard ...

The company announced its first acquisition, The Fontaine Gold Project in March of 2019. The deal, for approximately 90 Sq Km of mineral claims, closed in August 2019. One month after the initial acquisition closed, the area began to draw attention when the Company's neighbour, Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd., was acquired by Osisko for $335 million.

Barkerville Gold Mines is strengthening its relationship with and committing to providing opportunities for the Lhtako Dené Nation through a new agreement. Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. (BGM), the wholly owned subsidiary of Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd. and future 100-per-cent subsidiary of Osisko Development Corp., has entered into a life-of ...

For further details regarding the key assumptions, parameters and methods used to estimate the mineral resources presented in respect of the Cow Mountain area of the Cariboo Gold Project, please see the "Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. Cow Mountain NI 43-101 Technical Report Project No. V1458" dated effective date March 3, 2015 and filed on SEDAR on May 15, …

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd (BGM) | 2,057 followers on LinkedIn. Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. (BGM) is a mining company with gold assets throughout central BC's Cariboo region. | BGM is focused on finding and mining high-grade gold deposits across the breadth of British Columbia's Cariboo Mining District. The Company is focused on developing its extensive …

Barkerville Gold of Toronto have announced newly improved resource estimates for their Cow, Island and Berkerville Mountain deposits at their owned Cariboo Gold Project in Wells, British Columbia. The revised estimate consists of a measured and indicated resource of 2.4 million ounces of gold (13.2 million tonnes grading 5.6 g/t Au) a 50% increase from the …

Boomtown. The Fraser River Gold Rush "excitement" in 1858 drew thousands up the British Columbia river systems in search of the "mother lode." The frenzy spread north to Keithley Creek, Quesnelle Forks and, by 1861, to Richfield on Williams Creek. In 1862, William "Billy" Barker registered a claim downstream from Richfield, from which $650 000 (at $16 to $21 a troy …

A highway bypass to the CGP mine site would be built to avoid trucking ore in through the community of Wells. Waste rock would move from the mine site to BGM's existing waste rock site at the Bonanza Ledge Mine. To power the mine, BGM is proposing building a new 69kV transmission line from the Barlow Substation near Quesnel to the mine site.

Fraser River Gold Mine Map; News & Events. ... Originally published in 1969 by a longtime resident of Barkerville (and gold miner himself) it has a roughly chronological organization. Most of the first ten chapters (each fairly short, the entire book comes in at 173 pages) focus on the height of the Cariboo rush in the early 1860s. ...

Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. is focused on developing its extensive land package located in the historical Cariboo Mining District of central British Columbia. Barkerville's mineral tenures cover 1,950 square kilometres along a strike length of 67 kilometres which includes several past producing hard rock mines of the historic Barkerville Gold

Claims: 1046192, 1055324, 1094620 Type: Placer Gold Claim Group Location: Wells-Barkerville, British Columbia. The Antler Creek Claim Group is made up of two tenures spanning over 250 acres and over a full kilometre of water frontage on Antler Creek with another kilometre of water on Monkton Creek and its tributary.

In November of 2019, Osisko Gold Royalties (TSX & NYSE: OR) acquired Barkerville Gold Mines (formerly TSX.V: BGM), who had acquired a significant land package (1,177 square kilometres) in the Barkerville-Cariboo gold camp and was the principal property holder in the district before the acquisition. During October 2020 Osisko Gold Royalties ...

Osisko Gold shares eased 9.5% or $1.54 to $14.72 on volume of 1.67 million. Osisko shares are trading in a 52-week range of $9.27 or $17.47. News of the takeover comes as Barkerville moves ahead with big plans to develop an underground mine and milling operation on the company's -owned Cariboo gold project in east-central British Columbia.

On May 24th, 2022, at 5:30 PM, WLFN will be conducting a virtual engagement session with WLFN Members regarding the proposed Barkerville Gold Mines Cariboo Gold Project. This meeting is a follow-up to the meeting of April 28th, 2022, to allow for further discussion with WLFN Members. The meeting of the 24th will be an important forum to discuss the current status of …