Classifiers. Portable Classifiers. Road Tube Classifiers. Omega G; Omega X3A; Permanent Classifiers. Inductive Loop Classifiers. Phoenix II; Unicorn; Piezo Axle Classifiers; Accessories. Portable Count. Allen Hex Wrench (Uni Ltd & Apollo) Batteries (Lithium) "C" Cell Lithium Battery "D" Cell Saft Lithium Battery; Battery Replacement Kit TT-2/4/6/8

Classifiers for gold prospecting and gem hunting come in several shapes and sizes to help classify paydirt into a size that is easier to process. Our most popular classifiers are 14" across and fit on top of a five-gallon bucket. This allows one person to shovel paydirt onto the classifier and the other person to shake it down to size.

SALE ! 9 PIECE CLASSIFIER SIEVES SET Regular price: $139.00 Sale price: Gold Banker Classifier -- for Gold Cube: Trommel Classifier (SOLD OUT) Classifier Screen - Sieves / Sifters : JOBE General Classifier / SIEVE: GARRETT 1/2 inch Classifier / Sieve Regular price: $12.95 Sale price: Small Classifier Screens 4" (choice of 12 sizes) Regular ...