The activities can be technical (performance in teams), administration (accounting, control) and management (decision-making) . As equipment ages, operational failures are more frequent, leading to stoppages in operations. ... with the same purpose of measuring the efficiency of mining equipment. Table 1. Comparison of oee variants. Full size ...
It has been illustrated with a case study in a large surface coal mine and the findings are useful to decision making. Keywords: dump truck; mining; performance measurement; availability; utilisation; OEE; overall equipment effectiveness; environmental performance; OEPI; overall equipment performance ındicator. DOI: …
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a well-known measurement method, which combines availability, performance and quality, for the evaluation of equipment effectiveness in manufacturing industry. However, there isn't any study in literature about how to use this metric for mining equipments such as shovel, truck, drilling machine etc.
This case study will show how an initiative to improve equipment performance developed into a comprehensive turnaround plan for the mine that placed it in the forefront of performance achievement. ... > A number of the action plans were directed at improving the measuring and reporting systems at the mine, e.g. the payload measurement and ...
Work Performance Improvement : Task Efficiency : Work processes are improved by having a better understanding of worker movements and potential impact risks. This reduces task completion times and boosts overall efficiency in mining operations. Resource Allocation : Productivity can be increased by improving workforce deployment through the Analysis of …
DOI: 10.3141/1748-12 Corpus ID: 108891582; Freeway Performance Measurement System: Mining Loop Detector Data @article{Chen2001FreewayPM, title={Freeway Performance Measurement System: Mining Loop Detector Data}, author={Chao Chen and Karl F. Petty and Alexander Skabardonis and Pravin Pratap Varaiya and Zhanfeng Jia}, journal={Transportation …
developed the Mining Equipment Productivity Index (MEPI), which provides a more precise estimate of the productivity of mining operations by measuring the physical output of the mine equipment. Our operational-level analysis has revealed that: • The global mining industry's open cut equipment productivity has declined by around 20% over the
This article discusses the measurement of the performance of equipment and processes that constitute a mining concentrator asset by using overall equipment effectiveness. A new conceptual model is suggested and applied to measure the performance and quality of a continuous processing system of seven concentrators of a case study mining company.
Reliability analysis is utilized to approximate the performance of the equipment. In this study, the performance of the underground mining machinery known as load haul dumper (LHD) has been estimated with reliability analysis. ... (70.10%) and the highest value is for LHD1 (79.23%). Availability is the measure of maintainability and reliability ...
Sermin Elevli and Birol Elevli,Performance measurement of Mining Equipment by Utilizing OEE,Acta Montanistica Slovaca Rocnik, Cislo 2, 15(2010), 95-101. Ki-Young Jeong and Don T.Philips, Operational efficiency and effectiveness measurement, International journal of Operations and Production Management; (2001) Pg.1404.
Transportation Performance Measurement for Coal Mining: A Review and Framework . Selamat Walmanto Hia, Moses Laksono Singgih, Raja Oloan Saut Gurning. ... their equipment effectively to gain more income. A typical measurement for equipment effectiveness is overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). The OEE concept has evolved and developed in the ...
The production performance of mining equipment depends on its availability and utilization. Hence it is necessary to determine the percentage availability and utilization of machinery with an aim to improve the same. ... UF SSH is a measure of the efficiency of both maintenance and operational staff, whereas
The goal of the current research effort was to empirically explore common methods to HSMS performance measurement in mining organizations. The purpose was to determine if value and insight could be added into the ongoing approaches of the best ways to engage in health and safety performance measurement.
The various Mining Equipment suppliers publish equipment performance handbooks containing details on equipment specifications and performance criteria on a regular basis. Many sections of the Handbooks include tables or curves showing cycle times or hourly production figures for the Original Equipment Manufacturer's equipment under certain ...
The application of OEE to measure effectiveness of mining equipment is discussed, it identifies causes of time losses for shovel and truck operations and introduces procedure to record time losses. Over the past century, open pit mines have steadily increased their production rate by using larger equipments which require intensive capital investment. …
Loading and hauling machineries are highly capital intensive equipment to procure, operate and maintain in surface mining operation. It must be borne in mind that with this huge and capital-intensive equipment, every second of its life time is absolutely important from the production and productivity point of view. As such, it is imperative to optimize the overall cycle …
The sustainable development of mining processes requires a deep knowledge of the effectiveness of mining equipment and is quite complex to analyze due to the intrinsic characteristics of the mining industry. In this regard, its measurement and control can lead to appropriate management, improving the mining processes' efficiency, increasing safety …
High-Performance Luminaires for the Mining Industry. ... Fuel Measurement and Analysis Solutions for Mining Vehicles. CDE Global Ltd. ... Self Driven Conveyors: the Flexihaul Haulage System and Heavy Equipment for the Mining Industry. HMA Group. Material Handling, Instrumentation and Power Generation Solutions for Mining Applications ...
A new dual-window scanner that halves data capture time headlines the latest Maptek mine measurement improvements. The new Maptek XR3-D mkII laser scanner with dual window arrangement cuts scan acquisition time in half. Conventional terrestrial laser scanners capture data from one window, spinning to achieve a 360° field of view; the XR3-D ...
Rather, companies often rely on a single metric, equipment utilization, for evaluating management performance. Inspired by the ability of social network analysis (SNA) to examine the interactions and relationships between objects, a SNA-based method for investigating equipment movement between project sites and equipment shops is proposed.