The purpose of this post is to show you how to make your own Miracle Mineral Solution, which is a powerful parasite and pathogen killer. Chlorine dioxide or MMS is increasingly being used as part of the most thorough parasite and pathogen cleanses, and for good reason.I recommend you watch video number 9 "Proof that the Red Cross cured 154 cases of malaria with MMS" on the …

Essa sigla quer dizer MIRACLE MINERAL SOLUTION, que poderia ser traduzida para "SOLUÇÃO MINERAL MILAGROSA". Ao redor do mundo diversas pessoas beneficiaram com este composto, tratando praticamente todo tipo de complicação a saúde. Quer saber mais? >> Clique abaixo para acessar o GUIA COMPLETO (pdf) << #saúde #mms #cds #cura # ...

When using the citric acid solution, as mentioned above, you need 5 drops citric acid solution to each drop of water purification Drops or MMS. Since droppers come in various sizes, you may want to use the same size dropper for the water purification Drops and the citric acid, so you know you are getting enough for good activation.

ESG | GEN21 MINERAL SOLUTION. Sustainable Technologies to completely replace/ significantly reduce the use of chemical compounds that pose a threat to humanity and our ecosystems. ... It employs innovative technologies such as mineral extraction & synthesis, electrolysis, nanobubble generation, and green energy utilizing water. Electrogent ...

At Minechem Mineral Solutions, we are dedicated to revolutionizing industries through our exceptional mineral solutions. With a comprehensive range of top-quality products including Ball Clay, China Clay (Kaolin Clay), Soda Feldspar, Potash Feldspar, and Washed Feldspar, we cater to diverse sectors such as ceramics, glass, paper, paints, and more.

In 2019, the the FDA, i.e. the Fraud and Deception Agency, published an article warning people not to drink chlorine dioxide, also known as MMS. The article says that chlorine dioxide is a strong chemical "that is used as bleach," and is "the active ingredients in disinfectants and have additional industrial uses. They are not meant to be swallowed by people." Given …

Minerals Solution Inc Professional Service company . We help our client to target the source in the fields of gold or copper minings and other rare metal. OUR COMPANY. CONTACT US. Why Choosing Minerals Solution Inc. We are experts in rare metal industry with over 20 years experience. What that means is you are going to get right solution ...

If you prefer a mineral powder, then you will love Clinique's Almost Powder foundation. It's a long-wearing pressed powder, though it only has sheer coverage. It's also very lightweight and has an SPF 18. I would personally only wear this over foundation, but it's also a good option if you want to put on some powder throughout the day.

Mineral Solutions' goal is to provide the best minerals and products for you & your family. ... When sourcing internationally, we choose the highest grade fair trade products and minerals available. Contact Us. [email protected]. 909 . 600 . 2292. Warehouse: 17092 S. D St. Victorville, CA 92395. Subscribe to our emails.