In addition, the heat treatment that is done to the casting ensures that the hardness of the martenite structure is of maximum benefit for the given application. ... For a specific example where high chrome white iron significantly reduced downtime and saved a company millions in reduced outages, read this story. Search. Search.
High chrome white cast iron with 90 mm diameter ball sample supplied by Çemaş A.Ş from Turkey has been used. ... The heat treatment process involves heating and cooling a metal or alloy to change its mechanical and physical properties, making them more desirable. The samples were processed according to the defined heat treatment conditions ...
crusher with high chromium white cast iron can be improved by heat treatment (Long, S.Y et al., 2006). High chromium white cast iron is a material suitable for use in work environments with friction and impact. High chromium white cast iron has high hardness, high wear resistance, and relatively cheap manufacturing
The high chromium white cast iron (HCWCI) has been on the scene for decades, with expectations to remain there due to its exceptional wear resistance. HCWCI is mostly applied as-cast, but it can also be used as a coating material. The carbides in HCWCI microstructure, whose composition depends on alloying and heat treatment regime, give this special feature …
30% chrome white iron is the most corrosion resistant of the ASTM A532 iron alloys. It has found a real niche in flue-gas desulfurization, as well as other oxidizing environments and some reducing environments. It is not as abrasion resistant as the other high chrome white iron alloys. Learn More: ASTM A532 Data Sheet 30% Cr
High Chromium Iron is recommended for applications which involve both corrosion and abrasion. Townley's . HC28 alloy is particularly well suited for slurry pump parts and pipe fittings in coal prep operations and coal fired power stations. HC28's abrasion resistance is comparable to chrome-nickel irons (ASTM A-532 Class
After heat treatment, discal samples with a diameter of 80 mm for hardness test and samples with a dimension of 10×10×55 mm 3 without groove for Charpy impact test were prepared by cutting balls along their radial directions. The HRC hardness was measured using a Rockwell hardness tester with a load of 150 kg, and the impact toughness was measured with …
The detailed deformation mechanism and its microstructural modifications of white cast iron grinding balls used in comminution have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and XRD. De-shaping is the primary mode of ball consumption, and fracture of balls is a relatively uncommon failure mode. Deshaping is the manifestation of abrasive wear …
Microstructural modifications of as-cast high-chromium white iron by heat treatment. J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 18 (2009), pp. 174-181. Crossref View in Scopus ... Solid-state phase transformation in metallic matrix of high-chrome cast iron in subcritical temperature range. Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol., 37 (2015), pp. 1349-1367 (in Russian ...
AI Yunlong, DING Jiayuan, HE Wen, et al. Effects of heat treatment on sliding wear of high chromium white cast iron[J]. Thermal Processing, 2010, 39(3): 46–48. (in Chinese) Google Scholar ZEYTIN H K, YILDIRIM H, BERME B, et al. Effect of boron and heat treatment on mechanical properties of white cast iron for mining application[J].
High-chromium cast iron (HCCI) is widely used for manufacturing mill rolls due to its high wear resistance, hardness, low cost and good adaptability to manufacture [1,2,3,4].Despite the active application of rolls from high-speed steels, HCCI rolls still occupy a large share of the market [].The cast microstructure of the external layer of rolls from HCCI …
Martensitic White Iron (Ni-Hard) Wear Resistant ASTM A 532 High-Chromium Iron (11-28%Cr) Wear, Corrosion, and Heat Resistant ASTM A 532 Graphite Bearing Ferritic 5% Si Iron (Silal) Heat Resistant High (15%) Silicon Iron Corrosion Resistant ASTM A 518, A 518M ... chromium cast irons respond to heat treatment when the carbon and chromium contents ...
For years it was the go-to alloy for most high wear applications. Now, with most foundries melting high chrome white iron in electric furnaces, and heat treating techniques being perfected, high chrome white iron has become much more popular than Ni-Hard. High chrome white iron alloys are more corrosion-resistant than Ni-Hard; Heat treatment ...
R.L. Pattyn, Heat treatment of high-Cr white irons, AFS Transactions 93 (1988) 161–167. [10] P.G. Winchell, M. Cohen, The effect of carbon on the hardness of martensite and austenite, Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME 224 (1962) 639. [11] ... Inthidech, P. Sricharoenchai, N. Sasaguri, Y. Matsubara, Behavior of hardness and ...
Effect of Cu addition on hardness and microstructural features of low alloy white cast iron; XRD Investigation on Heat Treatment of High Chrome White Cast Irons; High-temperature abrasion resistance and wear mechanisms of chilled high-chromium cast irons; Corrosion behavior of newly developed heat treated 10Mn-2Ni-3.5Cr-1.5Cu alloy
The heat treatment of these products consists of a high temperature austenisation followed by quenching and two temperings, required in order to increase their overall hardness and to completely eliminate residual austenite. ... High chromium white cast irons are cast products with hard microstructures composed of an important fraction of ...
Pliant25 ASTM A532 Class III Type A is a high chrome white iron with exceptional abrasion resistance that can be fully machined. ... Our engineered chemistry together with our proprietary heat treatment allows us to soften this alloy to the point where we can then drill and tap holes, as well as broach keyways. After machining, we can heat ...
An alloy with carbon and chromium in the range of 2.0 to 2.5% and 20 to 25%, respectively, with the addition of Mo and Ni in the range of 1.0 to 1.5% each when heat-treated at a quenching temperature of 1010 °C and tempering temperature of 550 °C produces a hardness in the range of 54 to 56 HRC and a microstructure that consists of discontinuous bands of …
The present work analyzes the effect of V, W, and different Cr contents on the microstructure and wear behavior of a high chromium white cast iron. The alloys were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Results show that the simultaneous addition of V and W promoted the formation of the W6C and VC carbides. This …